(Creation Date: Feb. 9th, 2022 )

White - His white pelt

Hound - His hot-headed and abrasive personality

Age: 24 moons
Birthday: Jan. 26th 2020
Year of The Rat

Gender: Cis male (He/Him)

Current Clan: ThunderClan
Current Rank: Warrior

Mentor(s): --

Apprentice(s): --


Daystream - Brunch - Sibling


Character(rper) - "thoughts"



He's a hot-head but he means well(most of the time) he's nice to his friends but is hesitant around others, not that he's shy, he just doesn't want to put in the effort to be kind to a stranger. He loves a good fight and he's cocky in his battling ability.




16Personalities Results

Loved Things:

Hated Things:


Physical Atributes:
Short-furred white tom with yellow-orange eyes, he has a few grey markings but they aren't very noticeable. The fur on the back of his neck looks spiked up like a mane.


Whitehound is slim yet muscular. He's the size of the average cat though his muzzle is slightly longer than average.


A large scar on his stomach from a serious battle injury. He only has half a tail because of a fox but it doesn't affect his balance. 


He is strong, he has reason to be cocky since he can bring down opponents and bring in prey. His eyesight is decent but his sense of smell is above par.


Voice claim: Richard Ian Cox as Inuyasha


Theme Song: