(Creation Date: May 16th, 2021)

Bear for his large paws, which each have an extra toe

Age: 9 moons
Birthday: Janurary 8th, 2021
Year of The Ox
Gender: Male

Current Clan: Windclan
Birthplace: Windclan Nursery
Current Rank: Apprentice (as of 07/11/21)

Mentor(s): Swiftwind(Nixey)

Blossomfire - Oakpaw1 - Biological Mother

Goosehowl - n/a - Biological Father
Mintkit - skaifoal - Bio Sister/Littermate
Midnightkit - _Riverblossom_ - Bio Sister/Littermate


Bearkit very much lives his life to please others, his happiness is dependent on the happiness of those around him. He's probably never had a mean thought about another cat in his short life. He doesn't enjoy being alone so he's always sticking close to someone else. He has a few doubts about StarClan and can be pretty critical of himself.

emotionally vulnerable

mediator personality

Loved Things:
-Making others happy
-A clean nest

Hated Things:


Physical Atributes:
A pure white albino tom with pale blue eyes, his skin below his fur appears pink, mostly noticeable around his eyes, nose, and paws. Since he has albinism, he lacks melanin and is completely white. The pinkish colour is not actually his skin colour but light reflecting blood flow and making his skin appear pinkish.

His body is the same as an average kit except for his paws, which each have an extra toe and make them larger than other cat's. He smells like milk and grass like most WindClan kits do.

He does not currently have any scars as he is still a kitten. His albinism makes him sensitive to light which can occasionally affect his vision.

He is a chubby kitten with no strength, he isn't overweight but without any responsibilities, he has no muscle yet. His coordination isn't very refined and he has been known to bump into things.

his voice is high pitched and squeaky, it's hard to tell his voice apart from other kit's.
(his voice as an adult is Brian Sella's voice)


Theme Song:
Be Nice To Me - The Front Bottoms
(will fit better as he ages)

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